Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2227-1171 (print) 2542-1247 (online)
Periodicity (English)

4 times a year

Russian science citation index:
Yes 33056
Russian higher attestation Commission:
Yes K2

Technical requirements

  • maximum length of a script of a manuscript is 20 pages;
  • preferable word processor is MS Word;
  • script of a manuscript is Times New Roman, 14 pt, 1.5 line spacing; margins: upper, lower – 2 cm, right – 2,5 cm, left – 1,5 cm;
  • indention : 1,25 cm, centered;
  • it is not recommended to use extra spaces, optional hyphen;
  • italics and semibold should be used for mask tools. It is not recommended to use interspaces and capital composition, underlining;
  • it is recommended to use Arabic numerals for numbering of tables and illustration;
  • Latin names of objects should be typed lowercase letters in italics;
  • manual hyphenation is not allowed;
  • abstract of the paper in the Russian and English languages containing the title of the paper, full name of an author, the text and key words;
  • information about an author in the Russian and English languages (full name, degree, academic rank, place of work, legal address of an organization and position, e-mail).


References arrangement

It is important to specify indicate Universal Decimal Classification UDC.

References should respond to the State Standard 7.0.7– 2021 requirements.

References should respond to the State Standard 7.0.7 – 2021 requirements. References are compiled depending on the order of quotation of references in the text (where the number of the reference is in the square brackets). References to the unpublicized research are not allowed. It is important to include in a reference list full names of all authors, titles of papers or books. A reference list indicates a place of publication, a name of the publishing house, a year of publication and the total number of pages (for books); a name of a journal, a year of publication, a volume, an issue of a journal, the pages of the beginning and the ending of a manuscript, DOI (if any). References to the websites “Wikipedia”, “Krugosvet” and encyclopedic resources containing anonymous authorship are not allowed.

Links to the sources (analyzed the materials) are made as subscript links at the bottom of a page.

The code of ethics of scientific publications

In accordance with the ethical rules and standards adopted by leading international scientific publishers, the editors adopted the ethical principles, observance of which is obligatory for all participants of the process of scientific publishing – for authors, reviewers, editorial Board members, editorial Board and editor-in-chief.

the Author's ethics

the Authors are obliged to publish only original articles and use the content only of original research. All borrowings from other sources must be decorated accordingly with the obligatory indication of the author and source. Plagiarism in any form, including unregistered quotes, as well as the assignment of rights to the results of other studies are invalid. Threshold of borrowing — not more than 30% of the total volume of the article. Reviews and other articles, for objective reasons requiring a large number of citations are reviewed by the editorial Board individually.

Persons who have not participated in the study as co-authors must not be specified.

the Authors provide for publication of the article must rely on reliable research results. Use and disclosure

deliberately false data is unacceptable.

the Authors submit for publication in the journal of previously published work, as well as the work proposed for publication in other journals.

the Authors attach to article their personal data (place of work, address, place of work, position, e-mail, a photograph), which will be published in the journal.

the Authors agree that their paper will be sent for peer review (reviewer name not disclosed) and you agree to cooperate with the editors to improve, reduce or Supplement its articles in accordance with the reviewers ' comments and to correct these inaccuracies.

In case of errors or inaccuracies in the article, which is under consideration or already published, the authors should promptly notify the journal's editorial Board.

the publication ethics

the Editorial Board is guided in its activities by the provisions of Chapter 70 "Copyright" of the Civil code of the Russian Federation.

are not accepted For publication articles of a political nature that contain biased and incorrect evaluations of other scientific works and other specialists.

When deciding on the admission of article for publication, the editor should evaluate only the content of the article regardless of the race of the author, his gender, sexual orientation, political and religious views, social origin and nationality.

the editorial Board reserves the right to reject a paper without peer review if it is deemed of poor quality or unsuitable for readers of magazines. This decision is made fairly and impartially based on the editorial policy of the journal.

the Editorial Board of the scientific-theoretical journal, taking a decision on publication of the article, is guided by reliability of the data, scientific relevance and scientific novelty of the presented work.

In case of detection of the article elements by copying from other scientific papers (plagiarism) or the fact that the publication authors of the same article in different journals, the editorial Board takes steps to ascertain the reasons for this violation of publication ethics, shall notify that fact to the authors and reserves the right to remove article from publication and will not be allowed to review their articles.

For all claims of the authors, the editors provide detailed and reasoned responses, making every effort to resolve conflicts.

Review of manuscripts

License agreement

Articles are accepted for consideration in strict compliance with the requirements to author's original articles and all accompanying documents.

Executive Secretary within 14 days notifies the authors about the receipt of articles via e-mail, check the article for compliance with formal criteria, including checks of original text on the system "Antiplagiat". If necessary, is in correspondence with the authors about the elimination of comments. After the removal of comments sends the articles to chief (research) editor and editorial Board.

the Submitted articles are reviewed by the editorial Board. Initially determine the compliance of the article profile, the concept and scope of the journal. Articles that meet the formal requirements and relevant to the topic are reviewed. In the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" adopted a "double blind" (the reviewer and the author do not know each other's names) review articles (period of review 1 year). The reviewer on the basis of the analysis the article adopts a decision or to recommend it for publication (without revision or modification), or on its rejection. In case of disagreement of the author with the reviewers ' comments to its reasoned statement considered by the editorial Board. Information about the publication after the authors are informed of review articles, which have been reviewed at the next meeting of the editorial Board.

the Policy of the editorial Board of the journal based on modern legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism, supports the Code of ethics of scientific publications made by the Committee on the ethics of scientific publications, and is based on ethical standards of editors and publishers, enshrined in the Code of conduct and guidelines of best practice for the editor and Code of conduct for journal publishers, developed by the Committee on publication ethics (COPE).

is allowed to free reproduction of materials of the journal for personal use and free use for informational, scientific, educational and cultural purposes in accordance with part IV of article 1273 and 1274 Chapter 70 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation. Other types of use are possible only after the conclusion of appropriate written agreements with the copyright holder.

Electronic versions of the articles are available on this website.

the Paper version of the journal is distributed by subscription.

Ethics of peer review

In accordance with the Journal politics the Editors Office established the procedure of review of the manuscripts presented to the publication. Submitted manuscripts receive a review of at least one reviewer included in the list of the main specialists of the definite research area.

The reviewers render their reviews in the Editors Office within 1 or 2 weeks from the date of sending the manuscripts for reviewing.

Reviewing is anonymous. Authors are unaware of the names of their reviewers. This technique is called double-blind review. However the name of the reviewer may be given to the author of the manuscript at the request of the reviewer and with a written consent.

The reviewers should strive towards maximum objectivity. The only criterion in estimating manuscripts is their scientific value. Personal preferences are not allowed. In case of conflict of interest between a reviewer and an author, a reviewer must inform the Editorial Board of the Journal s and cancel a review.

Unpublished data from the manuscript submitted for consideration shall not be used by reviewers for private purposes.

The reviewer who does not possess, in his view, competency in reviewing manuscripts or is not objective should inform the editor about it and request a manuscript to be removed from the process of reviewing.

A review gives the analysis of the compliance of the paper with the requirements of the Journal on subject and length of a paper, academic novelty, literacy, clarity, credibility of measurement data and references.

Reviewers should avoid conflict of interest towards the authors of the manuscripts or the company which has financed the research.

The result of the review is a decision on the chance of its publication as presented, reworked, after the general rework (with reconsideration) or its cancel. This result is approved by the Editorial Board of the Journal.

Based on the result of the editorial review the review of the paper is sent to the author including required elaborating and time frames within which the process of rework has to be finished.


the a Review of press articles Fazlieva L. K. using the results of the forensic examination of substances, materials and products in the investigation of crimes // Bulletin of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia. 2016. No. 2. P. 93-98.

the Article published in the scientific-theoretical journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" (2016, No. 2. P. 93-98), entitled "using the results of the forensic examination of substances, materials and products in the investigation of crimes", authored Fazlieva Lily Cantelon, withdrawn from print by the editor with the consent of the publisher.

the Withdrawal (retraction) of the publication due to the identification of a significant part of large-scale borrowing from the following sources: Forensic investigation of materials, substances and products : textbook / E. V. Sysoev, A. V. Seleznev, E. V. Burtseva, I. P. Cancer. Tambov : Publishing house Tamb. GOS. tehn. University press, 2007. S. 84; A. V. Khmeleva Tactical features of appointment of legal expertise // forensic Expert. 2014. No. 4. P. 12-15.

the minutes of the Committee on publication ethics of the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia" from "2" Feb 2017

the a Review of press articles Khusnutdinova G. R., Karpova E. N. Topical issues of improvement of fire training // Bulletin of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia. 2016. No. 2. P. 108-113.

the Article published in the scientific-theoretical journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" (2016, No. 2. P. 108-113 ) entitled "Topical issues of improvement of fire training" which author are Husnetdinov Gazinur Rustamovich, Karpov Evgeniy Nikolaevich speaks from print editor with the consent of the publisher.

the Withdrawal (retraction) of the publication due to the identification of a significant part of large-scale borrowing from the source: Z. I. Tagirov, B. H. Gabdulkhakov Some topical issues of improvement of professional fire training on the basis of the problem analysis of the current practices of use of firearms by police (on the example of the Russian Federation of the Republic of Tatarstan) // Bulletin of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia. 2014. No. 3 (17). URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/nekotorye-aktualn (date accessed: 28.01.2017).

the minutes of the Committee on publication ethics of the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia" from "2" Feb 2017

the a Review of press articles Osinkina V. V. To the question of the legal nature of compulsory measures of a medical nature // Bulletin of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia in 2016. No. 1. P. 92-96.

the Article published in the scientific-theoretical journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" (2016, No. 1. P. 92-96) entitled "the question of the legal nature of compulsory measures of a medical nature", whose author is Lewykin Victor, goes out of print editor, with the consent of the publisher.

the Withdrawal (retraction) of the publication arising from duplicate publication called "the question of the legal nature of compulsory measures of a medical nature" in the journal "Vestnik of Tomsk state University" (Right. 2015. No. 3 (17). URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/k-voprosu-o-yurid...>http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/k-voprosu-o-yurid... (date accessed: 28.01.2017).

the minutes of the Committee on publication ethics of the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia" from "2" Feb 2017

the a Review of press articles Zhukovskaya I. V., Baleeva S. A. Criminal-legal regulation of responsibility for organized forms of crimes in the sphere of economic activity // Bulletin of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia in 2016. No. 2. P. 75-78.

the Article published in the scientific-theoretical journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" (2016, No. 2. S. 75-78) under the title "Criminal-legal regulation of responsibility for organized forms of crimes in the sphere of economic activity", the authors of which are Zhukovskaya I. V., Balaev Sergey, speaks out-of-print editor with the consent of the publisher.

the Withdrawal (retraction) of the publication arising from duplicate publication entitled "the regulation of the responsibility for crimes in the sphere of economic activities of an organized group" of VEPS. 2016. No. 1. URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/k-voprosu-o-urid... (date accessed: 28.01.2017).

the minutes of the Committee on publication ethics of the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia" from "2" Feb 2017

the a Review of press articles Ilicheva A. A. Conceptual and terminological analysis of General cultural competence IN the GEF in the direction of "jurisprudence" // Bulletin of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia. 2016. No. 2. P. 114-117.

the Article published in the scientific-theoretical journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" (2016, No. 2. P. 114-117) entitled "Conceptual and terminological analysis of General cultural competence IN the GEF in the direction of "jurisprudence", whose author is Ilijev Alexander, speaks out-of-print editor with the consent of the publisher.

the Withdrawal (retraction) of the publication arising from duplicate publication entitled "Cultural competence in the GEF VPO on direction of a bachelor degree in "Law": analysis of language // CSW. 2014. No. 6 (107). URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/obschekulturnye-k... (date accessed: 28.01.2017).

the minutes of the Committee on publication ethics of the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia" from "2" Feb 2017

the Feedback print article Garcinai L. V., Grigoriev A. G. the Legal assessment management relations coordinating environmental activities and interaction within the competence of boundary bodies // Bulletin of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia in 2016. No. 1. P. 16-20.

the Article published in the scientific-theoretical journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" (2016, No. 1. P. 16-20) entitled "Legal assessment of the management relations coordinating environmental activities and interaction within the competence of boundary bodies ", authors of which are Gatchina L. V., Grigoriev A. G., withdrawn from print by the editor with the consent of the publisher.

the Withdrawal (retraction) of the publication due to the identification of a significant part of large-scale borrowing from the source: A. G. Grigoriev, V. A. Zakharov, the Legal characterization of coordination and interaction on issues of environmental protection in the implementation of the edge directions of activity // Bulletin of the MFUA. 2016. n 1. P. 194-204.

the minutes of the Committee on publication ethics of the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia" from "19" may 2017

the a Review of press articles Petrova E. V., Maltseva T. V. the Study of models of assessment and forecasting of the image of employees dorozhno-patrol service // Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia. 2016. No. 1. P. 70-74.

the Article published in the scientific-theoretical journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" (2016, No. 1. P. 70-74), entitled "Study of models of assessment and forecasting of the image of employees dorozhno-patrol service" and that is Petrov V. E., Maltseva T. V., speaks of a print by the editor with the consent of the publisher, the authors of which are Gatchina L. V., Grigoriev A. G., withdrawn from print by the editor with the consent of the publisher.

the Withdrawal (retraction) of the publication due to the identification of a significant part of large-scale borrowing from the source: Petrov, V. E. Investigation of models of assessment and forecasting of the image of employees dorozhno-patrol service, Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. No. 9 (48). P. 46-52.

the minutes of the Committee on publication ethics of the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia" from "19" may 2017

the a Review of press articles Nenarokov S. V. development of scientific approaches to improving the efficiency of information and analytical support disclosure and investigation of crimes // Bulletin of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia in 2011. No. 1 (3). S. 80-83.

the Article published in the scientific-theoretical journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" (2011, ? 1(3). P. 80-83) entitled "development of scientific approaches to improving the efficiency of information and analytical support disclosure and investigation of crimes", authored Nenarokov, Sergey V., speaks of a print by the editor with the consent of the publisher.

the Withdrawal (retraction) of the publication due to the identification of a significant part of large-scale borrowing from the source: Winches, I. A. Information-analytical support for detecting terrorist activities : dissertation ... of candidate of juridical Sciences : 12.00.09 / Winches Igor Anatolevich; [a protection Place: SEV.-The Caucasus. GOS. tehn. Univ]. - Stavropol, 2009. The minutes of the Committee on publication ethics of the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia" from "19" may 2017

Electronic versions of the articles are available on this website.

the Paper version of the journal is distributed by subscription.

Zinnurov Foat  — Editor-in-Chief, Chairman of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Chief)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy sotrudnik organov vnutrennih del Rossiyskoy Federacii
Kazan', Russian Federation
Mironov Sergey  — Vice Chairman of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Deputy Head)
candidate of historical sciences
Kazan', Russian Federation
Aliullov Rashid  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Administrative Law, Administrative Activities and Management of Internal Affairs, Head)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Kazan', Russian Federation
Babichev Arseniy  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Department of Criminal Law, Professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Kazan', Russian Federation
Garafutdinov Marat  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Deputy Head for Academic Affairs)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences
Kazan', Russian Federation
Demidova-Petrova Elizaveta  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute (branch) of the Federal State Establishment of Higher Education University of the Prosecutor office of the Russian Federation (Head)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy yurist Respubliki Tatarstan ,
chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk Respubliki Tatarstan
Kazan', Russian Federation
Zotina Elena  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazancev Sergey  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Department of Criminalistics, Professor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences ,
candidate of jurisprudence sciences
Kazan', Russian Federation
Komlev Yuriy  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Department of Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology and Psychology, Professor)
doctor of sociological sciences
Kazan', Russian Federation
Shaidullina Elvira  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Department of Criminal Procedure, Deputy Chief)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences
Kazan', Russian Federation
Shalagin Anton  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Department of Criminology and Penitentiary Law, Head of Department)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences
Kazan', Russian Federation
Andreev Maksim  — Member of the Editorial Council
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (kafedra gosudarstvenno-pravovyh disciplin, professor)
employee from 01.01.2012 until now
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Russian Federation
Researcherid: J-9879-2017 ORCID:0000-0002-3749-7669
Bakulina Liliya  — Member of the Editorial Council
Kazan (Volga) Federal University (Yuridicheskiy fakul'tet, dekan)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Kazan, Russian Federation
Balahonskiy Vitaliy  — Member of the Editorial Council
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation (kafedra filosofii i sociologii, professor)
doctor of philosophical sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy rabotnik vysshey shkoly Rossiyskoy Federacii
Russian Federation
Bezverhov Artur  — Member of the Editorial Council
Samara University (Yuridicheskiy fakul'tet, dekan)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Russian Federation
Varygin Alexander  — Member of the Editorial Council
Saratov State Law Academy (Chair of Prosecutorial Supervision and Criminology, Head of the Chair)
employee from 01.01.2011 to 01.01.2018
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Saratov, Russian Federation
Voronin Mihail  — Member of the Editorial Council
Moscow State Linguistic University (Institute of International Law and Justice, Director)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Russian Federation
Gavrilov Boris  — Member of the Editorial Council
Academy of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (kafedra upravleniya organami rassledovaniya prestupleniy, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki Rossiyskoy Federacii, zasluzhennyy yurist Rossiyskoy Federacii, pochetnyy sotrudnik MVD Rossii
Russian Federation
Gilinskiy Yakov  — Member of the Editorial Council
Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy universitet im. A.I. Gercena (kafedra ugolovnogo prava, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
SPIN: 1117-6194 ORCID:0000-0003-4544-7167
Gotchina Larisa  — Member of the Editorial Council
Saint Petersburg Law Institute (branch) of the University of prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation (ugolovnogo prava, kriminologii i ugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo prava, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
Demidov Viktor  — Member of the Editorial Council
Administraciya Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federacii, Apparat Polnomochnogo predstavitelya Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federacii v Privolzhskom federal'nom okruge (Glavnyy federal'nyy inspektor po Respublike Tatarstan)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Russian Federation
Dubrovin Sergey  — Member of the Editorial Council
Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (kafedra kriminalistiki, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy rabotnik vysshey shkoly
Russian Federation
Egoryshev Sergey  — Member of the Editorial Council
Institute for Strategic Studies of the Republic of Bashkortostan (glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik)
doctor of sociological sciences
Academic rank Zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki Respubliki Bashkortostan ,
Pochetnyy rabotnik vysshego professional'nogo obrazovaniya Rossiyskoy Federacii
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Mezyaev Aleksandr  — Member of the Editorial Council
The University of Management “TISBI” (kafedra konstitucionnogo i mezhdunarodnogo prava, zaveduyuschiy)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Russian Federation
Nigmatullin Rishat  — Member of the Editorial Council
the Ufa University of Science and Technologies (kafedra mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnyh otnosheniy, zaveduyuschiy)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Russian Federation
Pavlichenko Nikolay  — Member of the Editorial Council
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (professor kafedry ugolovnogo prava i processa Sochinskogo instituta (filiala), glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy yurist Rossiyskoy Federacii, pochetnyy sotrudnik MVD Rossii
Russian Federation
Stepanenko Ravia  — Member of the Editorial Council
Kazan (Volga) Federal University (kafedra teorii i istorii gosudarstva i prava, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Russian Federation
Redakciya "Vestnik KYuI MVD Rossii"  — Employee
Russian Federation

Архивные рубрики

Kazan law institute Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation
Kazan Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
The certificate of registration of the periodical
ПИ №ФС77-50418

Technical requirements

  • maximum length of a script of a manuscript is 20 pages;
  • preferable word processor is MS Word;
  • script of a manuscript is Times New Roman, 14 pt, 1.5 line spacing; margins: upper, lower – 2 cm, right – 2,5 cm, left – 1,5 cm;
  • indention : 1,25 cm, centered;
  • it is not recommended to use extra spaces, optional hyphen;
  • italics and semibold should be used for mask tools. It is not recommended to use interspaces and capital composition, underlining;
  • it is recommended to use Arabic numerals for numbering of tables and illustration;
  • Latin names of objects should be typed lowercase letters in italics;
  • manual hyphenation is not allowed;
  • abstract of the paper in the Russian and English languages containing the title of the paper, full name of an author, the text and key words;
  • information about an author in the Russian and English languages (full name, degree, academic rank, place of work, legal address of an organization and position, e-mail).


References arrangement

It is important to specify indicate Universal Decimal Classification UDC.

References should respond to the State Standard 7.0.7– 2021 requirements.

References should respond to the State Standard 7.0.7 – 2021 requirements. References are compiled depending on the order of quotation of references in the text (where the number of the reference is in the square brackets). References to the unpublicized research are not allowed. It is important to include in a reference list full names of all authors, titles of papers or books. A reference list indicates a place of publication, a name of the publishing house, a year of publication and the total number of pages (for books); a name of a journal, a year of publication, a volume, an issue of a journal, the pages of the beginning and the ending of a manuscript, DOI (if any). References to the websites “Wikipedia”, “Krugosvet” and encyclopedic resources containing anonymous authorship are not allowed.

Links to the sources (analyzed the materials) are made as subscript links at the bottom of a page.

The code of ethics of scientific publications

In accordance with the ethical rules and standards adopted by leading international scientific publishers, the editors adopted the ethical principles, observance of which is obligatory for all participants of the process of scientific publishing – for authors, reviewers, editorial Board members, editorial Board and editor-in-chief.

the Author's ethics

the Authors are obliged to publish only original articles and use the content only of original research. All borrowings from other sources must be decorated accordingly with the obligatory indication of the author and source. Plagiarism in any form, including unregistered quotes, as well as the assignment of rights to the results of other studies are invalid. Threshold of borrowing — not more than 30% of the total volume of the article. Reviews and other articles, for objective reasons requiring a large number of citations are reviewed by the editorial Board individually.

Persons who have not participated in the study as co-authors must not be specified.

the Authors provide for publication of the article must rely on reliable research results. Use and disclosure

deliberately false data is unacceptable.

the Authors submit for publication in the journal of previously published work, as well as the work proposed for publication in other journals.

the Authors attach to article their personal data (place of work, address, place of work, position, e-mail, a photograph), which will be published in the journal.

the Authors agree that their paper will be sent for peer review (reviewer name not disclosed) and you agree to cooperate with the editors to improve, reduce or Supplement its articles in accordance with the reviewers ' comments and to correct these inaccuracies.

In case of errors or inaccuracies in the article, which is under consideration or already published, the authors should promptly notify the journal's editorial Board.

the publication ethics

the Editorial Board is guided in its activities by the provisions of Chapter 70 "Copyright" of the Civil code of the Russian Federation.

are not accepted For publication articles of a political nature that contain biased and incorrect evaluations of other scientific works and other specialists.

When deciding on the admission of article for publication, the editor should evaluate only the content of the article regardless of the race of the author, his gender, sexual orientation, political and religious views, social origin and nationality.

the editorial Board reserves the right to reject a paper without peer review if it is deemed of poor quality or unsuitable for readers of magazines. This decision is made fairly and impartially based on the editorial policy of the journal.

the Editorial Board of the scientific-theoretical journal, taking a decision on publication of the article, is guided by reliability of the data, scientific relevance and scientific novelty of the presented work.

In case of detection of the article elements by copying from other scientific papers (plagiarism) or the fact that the publication authors of the same article in different journals, the editorial Board takes steps to ascertain the reasons for this violation of publication ethics, shall notify that fact to the authors and reserves the right to remove article from publication and will not be allowed to review their articles.

For all claims of the authors, the editors provide detailed and reasoned responses, making every effort to resolve conflicts.

Review of manuscripts

License agreement

Articles are accepted for consideration in strict compliance with the requirements to author's original articles and all accompanying documents.

Executive Secretary within 14 days notifies the authors about the receipt of articles via e-mail, check the article for compliance with formal criteria, including checks of original text on the system "Antiplagiat". If necessary, is in correspondence with the authors about the elimination of comments. After the removal of comments sends the articles to chief (research) editor and editorial Board.

the Submitted articles are reviewed by the editorial Board. Initially determine the compliance of the article profile, the concept and scope of the journal. Articles that meet the formal requirements and relevant to the topic are reviewed. In the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" adopted a "double blind" (the reviewer and the author do not know each other's names) review articles (period of review 1 year). The reviewer on the basis of the analysis the article adopts a decision or to recommend it for publication (without revision or modification), or on its rejection. In case of disagreement of the author with the reviewers ' comments to its reasoned statement considered by the editorial Board. Information about the publication after the authors are informed of review articles, which have been reviewed at the next meeting of the editorial Board.

the Policy of the editorial Board of the journal based on modern legal requirements concerning libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism, supports the Code of ethics of scientific publications made by the Committee on the ethics of scientific publications, and is based on ethical standards of editors and publishers, enshrined in the Code of conduct and guidelines of best practice for the editor and Code of conduct for journal publishers, developed by the Committee on publication ethics (COPE).

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Electronic versions of the articles are available on this website.

the Paper version of the journal is distributed by subscription.

Ethics of peer review

In accordance with the Journal politics the Editors Office established the procedure of review of the manuscripts presented to the publication. Submitted manuscripts receive a review of at least one reviewer included in the list of the main specialists of the definite research area.

The reviewers render their reviews in the Editors Office within 1 or 2 weeks from the date of sending the manuscripts for reviewing.

Reviewing is anonymous. Authors are unaware of the names of their reviewers. This technique is called double-blind review. However the name of the reviewer may be given to the author of the manuscript at the request of the reviewer and with a written consent.

The reviewers should strive towards maximum objectivity. The only criterion in estimating manuscripts is their scientific value. Personal preferences are not allowed. In case of conflict of interest between a reviewer and an author, a reviewer must inform the Editorial Board of the Journal s and cancel a review.

Unpublished data from the manuscript submitted for consideration shall not be used by reviewers for private purposes.

The reviewer who does not possess, in his view, competency in reviewing manuscripts or is not objective should inform the editor about it and request a manuscript to be removed from the process of reviewing.

A review gives the analysis of the compliance of the paper with the requirements of the Journal on subject and length of a paper, academic novelty, literacy, clarity, credibility of measurement data and references.

Reviewers should avoid conflict of interest towards the authors of the manuscripts or the company which has financed the research.

The result of the review is a decision on the chance of its publication as presented, reworked, after the general rework (with reconsideration) or its cancel. This result is approved by the Editorial Board of the Journal.

Based on the result of the editorial review the review of the paper is sent to the author including required elaborating and time frames within which the process of rework has to be finished.


the a Review of press articles Fazlieva L. K. using the results of the forensic examination of substances, materials and products in the investigation of crimes // Bulletin of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia. 2016. No. 2. P. 93-98.

the Article published in the scientific-theoretical journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" (2016, No. 2. P. 93-98), entitled "using the results of the forensic examination of substances, materials and products in the investigation of crimes", authored Fazlieva Lily Cantelon, withdrawn from print by the editor with the consent of the publisher.

the Withdrawal (retraction) of the publication due to the identification of a significant part of large-scale borrowing from the following sources: Forensic investigation of materials, substances and products : textbook / E. V. Sysoev, A. V. Seleznev, E. V. Burtseva, I. P. Cancer. Tambov : Publishing house Tamb. GOS. tehn. University press, 2007. S. 84; A. V. Khmeleva Tactical features of appointment of legal expertise // forensic Expert. 2014. No. 4. P. 12-15.

the minutes of the Committee on publication ethics of the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia" from "2" Feb 2017

the a Review of press articles Khusnutdinova G. R., Karpova E. N. Topical issues of improvement of fire training // Bulletin of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia. 2016. No. 2. P. 108-113.

the Article published in the scientific-theoretical journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" (2016, No. 2. P. 108-113 ) entitled "Topical issues of improvement of fire training" which author are Husnetdinov Gazinur Rustamovich, Karpov Evgeniy Nikolaevich speaks from print editor with the consent of the publisher.

the Withdrawal (retraction) of the publication due to the identification of a significant part of large-scale borrowing from the source: Z. I. Tagirov, B. H. Gabdulkhakov Some topical issues of improvement of professional fire training on the basis of the problem analysis of the current practices of use of firearms by police (on the example of the Russian Federation of the Republic of Tatarstan) // Bulletin of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia. 2014. No. 3 (17). URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/nekotorye-aktualn (date accessed: 28.01.2017).

the minutes of the Committee on publication ethics of the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia" from "2" Feb 2017

the a Review of press articles Osinkina V. V. To the question of the legal nature of compulsory measures of a medical nature // Bulletin of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia in 2016. No. 1. P. 92-96.

the Article published in the scientific-theoretical journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" (2016, No. 1. P. 92-96) entitled "the question of the legal nature of compulsory measures of a medical nature", whose author is Lewykin Victor, goes out of print editor, with the consent of the publisher.

the Withdrawal (retraction) of the publication arising from duplicate publication called "the question of the legal nature of compulsory measures of a medical nature" in the journal "Vestnik of Tomsk state University" (Right. 2015. No. 3 (17). URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/k-voprosu-o-yurid...>http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/k-voprosu-o-yurid... (date accessed: 28.01.2017).

the minutes of the Committee on publication ethics of the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia" from "2" Feb 2017

the a Review of press articles Zhukovskaya I. V., Baleeva S. A. Criminal-legal regulation of responsibility for organized forms of crimes in the sphere of economic activity // Bulletin of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia in 2016. No. 2. P. 75-78.

the Article published in the scientific-theoretical journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" (2016, No. 2. S. 75-78) under the title "Criminal-legal regulation of responsibility for organized forms of crimes in the sphere of economic activity", the authors of which are Zhukovskaya I. V., Balaev Sergey, speaks out-of-print editor with the consent of the publisher.

the Withdrawal (retraction) of the publication arising from duplicate publication entitled "the regulation of the responsibility for crimes in the sphere of economic activities of an organized group" of VEPS. 2016. No. 1. URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/k-voprosu-o-urid... (date accessed: 28.01.2017).

the minutes of the Committee on publication ethics of the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia" from "2" Feb 2017

the a Review of press articles Ilicheva A. A. Conceptual and terminological analysis of General cultural competence IN the GEF in the direction of "jurisprudence" // Bulletin of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia. 2016. No. 2. P. 114-117.

the Article published in the scientific-theoretical journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" (2016, No. 2. P. 114-117) entitled "Conceptual and terminological analysis of General cultural competence IN the GEF in the direction of "jurisprudence", whose author is Ilijev Alexander, speaks out-of-print editor with the consent of the publisher.

the Withdrawal (retraction) of the publication arising from duplicate publication entitled "Cultural competence in the GEF VPO on direction of a bachelor degree in "Law": analysis of language // CSW. 2014. No. 6 (107). URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/obschekulturnye-k... (date accessed: 28.01.2017).

the minutes of the Committee on publication ethics of the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia" from "2" Feb 2017

the Feedback print article Garcinai L. V., Grigoriev A. G. the Legal assessment management relations coordinating environmental activities and interaction within the competence of boundary bodies // Bulletin of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia in 2016. No. 1. P. 16-20.

the Article published in the scientific-theoretical journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" (2016, No. 1. P. 16-20) entitled "Legal assessment of the management relations coordinating environmental activities and interaction within the competence of boundary bodies ", authors of which are Gatchina L. V., Grigoriev A. G., withdrawn from print by the editor with the consent of the publisher.

the Withdrawal (retraction) of the publication due to the identification of a significant part of large-scale borrowing from the source: A. G. Grigoriev, V. A. Zakharov, the Legal characterization of coordination and interaction on issues of environmental protection in the implementation of the edge directions of activity // Bulletin of the MFUA. 2016. n 1. P. 194-204.

the minutes of the Committee on publication ethics of the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia" from "19" may 2017

the a Review of press articles Petrova E. V., Maltseva T. V. the Study of models of assessment and forecasting of the image of employees dorozhno-patrol service // Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia. 2016. No. 1. P. 70-74.

the Article published in the scientific-theoretical journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" (2016, No. 1. P. 70-74), entitled "Study of models of assessment and forecasting of the image of employees dorozhno-patrol service" and that is Petrov V. E., Maltseva T. V., speaks of a print by the editor with the consent of the publisher, the authors of which are Gatchina L. V., Grigoriev A. G., withdrawn from print by the editor with the consent of the publisher.

the Withdrawal (retraction) of the publication due to the identification of a significant part of large-scale borrowing from the source: Petrov, V. E. Investigation of models of assessment and forecasting of the image of employees dorozhno-patrol service, Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. No. 9 (48). P. 46-52.

the minutes of the Committee on publication ethics of the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia" from "19" may 2017

the a Review of press articles Nenarokov S. V. development of scientific approaches to improving the efficiency of information and analytical support disclosure and investigation of crimes // Bulletin of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia in 2011. No. 1 (3). S. 80-83.

the Article published in the scientific-theoretical journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA of Russia" (2011, ? 1(3). P. 80-83) entitled "development of scientific approaches to improving the efficiency of information and analytical support disclosure and investigation of crimes", authored Nenarokov, Sergey V., speaks of a print by the editor with the consent of the publisher.

the Withdrawal (retraction) of the publication due to the identification of a significant part of large-scale borrowing from the source: Winches, I. A. Information-analytical support for detecting terrorist activities : dissertation ... of candidate of juridical Sciences : 12.00.09 / Winches Igor Anatolevich; [a protection Place: SEV.-The Caucasus. GOS. tehn. Univ]. - Stavropol, 2009. The minutes of the Committee on publication ethics of the journal "Vestnik of the Kazan law Institute of MIA Russia" from "19" may 2017

Electronic versions of the articles are available on this website.

the Paper version of the journal is distributed by subscription.

4 times a year

                                                            Pavlov O F
Pavlov O F VNII MVD Rossii

                                                            Pal'chenkova V M
Pal'chenkova V M Institut prava im. V. Stashisa Klassicheskogo privatnogo universiteta

                        Panaeva Lyaylya Elyuhanovna
Panaeva Lyaylya Elyuhanovna Yuzhno-Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (nacional'nyy issledovatel'skiy universitet)

                        Pankrat'ev Anatoliy Nikolaevich
Pankrat'ev Anatoliy Nikolaevich Glavnoe upravlenie ekonomicheskoy bezopasnosti i protivodeystviya korrupcii MVD Rossii
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

                        Pashin Vadim
Pashin Vadim All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) (criminal procedure and criminology, Professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences


SPIN: 4778-8118
                                                            Perov A V
Perov A V Kazanskoe vysshee voennoe komandnoe uchilische

                                                            Petrov V E
Petrov V E Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy centr problem bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizheniya MVD Rossii

                        Petrovsky Anton V
Petrovsky Anton V Kuban State University

                        Petryanin Aleksey Vladimirovich
Petryanin Aleksey Vladimirovich Nizhny Novgorod Branch, St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (direktor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences


                        Petryanin Aleksey
Petryanin Aleksey The Nizhny Novgorod branch of the St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee (Nizhny Novgorod branch, Director)

professor from 01.01.2020 until now

SPIN: 3529-7855
                        Petryanina Olga A
Petryanina Olga A Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

                        Petuhov Kirill Igorevich
Petuhov Kirill Igorevich Moscow Bar Association "Murkshtis, Kalinenko & Partners"

                        Pinkevich Tat'yana
Pinkevich Tat'yana Academy of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (department of criminal policy, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences


                        Pinkevich Tatyana
Pinkevich Tatyana Akademiya upravleniya MVD Rossii (kafedra ugolovnoy politiki, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

SPIN: 1578-6732
                                                            Plaksina T A
Plaksina T A Altayskaya akademiya ekonomiki i prava

                                                            Plohova A V
Plohova A V KYuI MVD Rossii

                        Pobedkin Alexandr V Viktorovich
Pobedkin Alexandr V Viktorovich Academy of Administration of MIA of Russia (nachal'nik kafedry ugolovnoy politiki)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences


                        Pozdnyakova Aysylu Ramisovna
Pozdnyakova Aysylu Ramisovna Kazanskiy yuridicheskiy institut MVD Rossii

                        Pozdyshev Roman
Pozdyshev Roman Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (chair of preliminary investigation, senior teacher)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Zinnurov Foat  — Editor-in-Chief, Chairman of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Chief)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy sotrudnik organov vnutrennih del Rossiyskoy Federacii
Kazan', Russian Federation
Mironov Sergey  — Vice Chairman of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Deputy Head)
candidate of historical sciences

Kazan', Russian Federation
Aliullov Rashid  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Administrative Law, Administrative Activities and Management of Internal Affairs, Head)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Kazan', Russian Federation
Babichev Arseniy  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Department of Criminal Law, Professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Kazan', Russian Federation
Garafutdinov Marat  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Deputy Head for Academic Affairs)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Kazan', Russian Federation
Demidova-Petrova Elizaveta  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute (branch) of the Federal State Establishment of Higher Education University of the Prosecutor office of the Russian Federation (Head)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy yurist Respubliki Tatarstan chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk Respubliki Tatarstan
Kazan', Russian Federation
Zotina Elena  — Member of the Editorial Board

Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazancev Sergey  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Department of Criminalistics, Professor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences ,
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Kazan', Russian Federation
Komlev Yuriy  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Department of Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology and Psychology, Professor)
doctor of sociological sciences

Kazan', Russian Federation
Shaidullina Elvira  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Department of Criminal Procedure, Deputy Chief)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Kazan', Russian Federation
Shalagin Anton  — Member of the Editorial Board
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Department of Criminology and Penitentiary Law, Head of Department)
candidate of jurisprudence sciences

Kazan', Russian Federation
Andreev Maksim  — Member of the Editorial Council
Kazan Law Institute of The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (kafedra gosudarstvenno-pravovyh disciplin, professor)
employee from 01.01.2012 until now
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Russian Federation
Researcherid: J-9879-2017 ORCID:0000-0002-3749-7669
Bakulina Liliya  — Member of the Editorial Council
Kazan (Volga) Federal University (Yuridicheskiy fakul'tet, dekan)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Kazan, Russian Federation
Balahonskiy Vitaliy  — Member of the Editorial Council
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation (kafedra filosofii i sociologii, professor)
doctor of philosophical sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy rabotnik vysshey shkoly Rossiyskoy Federacii
Russian Federation
Bezverhov Artur  — Member of the Editorial Council
Samara University (Yuridicheskiy fakul'tet, dekan)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Russian Federation
Varygin Alexander  — Member of the Editorial Council
Saratov State Law Academy (Chair of Prosecutorial Supervision and Criminology, Head of the Chair)
employee from 01.01.2011 to 01.01.2018
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Saratov, Russian Federation
Voronin Mihail  — Member of the Editorial Council
Moscow State Linguistic University (Institute of International Law and Justice, Director)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Russian Federation
Gavrilov Boris  — Member of the Editorial Council
Academy of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (kafedra upravleniya organami rassledovaniya prestupleniy, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki Rossiyskoy Federacii, zasluzhennyy yurist Rossiyskoy Federacii, pochetnyy sotrudnik MVD Rossii
Russian Federation
Gilinskiy Yakov  — Member of the Editorial Council
Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy universitet im. A.I. Gercena (kafedra ugolovnogo prava, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
SPIN: 1117-6194 ORCID:0000-0003-4544-7167
Gotchina Larisa  — Member of the Editorial Council
Saint Petersburg Law Institute (branch) of the University of prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation (ugolovnogo prava, kriminologii i ugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo prava, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
Demidov Viktor  — Member of the Editorial Council
Administraciya Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federacii, Apparat Polnomochnogo predstavitelya Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federacii v Privolzhskom federal'nom okruge (Glavnyy federal'nyy inspektor po Respublike Tatarstan)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Russian Federation
Dubrovin Sergey  — Member of the Editorial Council
Kikotya Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (kafedra kriminalistiki, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy rabotnik vysshey shkoly
Russian Federation
Egoryshev Sergey  — Member of the Editorial Council
Institute for Strategic Studies of the Republic of Bashkortostan (glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik)
doctor of sociological sciences
Academic rank Zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki Respubliki Bashkortostan Pochetnyy rabotnik vysshego professional'nogo obrazovaniya Rossiyskoy Federacii
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Mezyaev Aleksandr  — Member of the Editorial Council
The University of Management “TISBI” (kafedra konstitucionnogo i mezhdunarodnogo prava, zaveduyuschiy)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Russian Federation
Nigmatullin Rishat  — Member of the Editorial Council
the Ufa University of Science and Technologies (kafedra mezhdunarodnogo prava i mezhdunarodnyh otnosheniy, zaveduyuschiy)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Russian Federation
Pavlichenko Nikolay  — Member of the Editorial Council
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (professor kafedry ugolovnogo prava i processa Sochinskogo instituta (filiala), glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences
Academic rank zasluzhennyy yurist Rossiyskoy Federacii, pochetnyy sotrudnik MVD Rossii
Russian Federation
Stepanenko Ravia  — Member of the Editorial Council
Kazan (Volga) Federal University (kafedra teorii i istorii gosudarstva i prava, professor)
doctor of jurisprudence sciences

Russian Federation
Redakciya "Vestnik KYuI MVD Rossii"  — Employee

Russian Federation


Code 5.1.1
Name Теоретико-исторические правовые науки
Code 5.1.2
Name Публично-правовые (государственно-правовые) науки
Code 5.1.4
Name Уголовно-правовые науки

Zinnurov Foat Kanafievich

Academic degree, academic rank, membership in state academies: Full member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, a member of the Russian Criminological Association

Position: Head

Organization: the Kazan Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Sphere of scientific interests: Pedagogical Challenges in prevention and correction of deviant behavior in teenagers

International IDs: ORCID:  0000-0002-5062-9160  

Membership on editorial boards/editorial boards of other publications: Editor-in-Chief, Chairman of the Editorial Board of the scientific-theoretical journal "Bulletin of the Kazan Law Institute of MIA of Russia", electronic scientific-theoretical journal "Scientific Notes of the Kazan Law Institute MIA of Russia"; member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Psychology and Pedagogy in Service Activity", member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Psycho-Pedagogy in Law Enforcement"


The objective is to dessiminate excellence, cutting-edge research results​​​​, applied law research outputs; assist with the training and education of qualified specialists for internal affairs bodies; integration of scientific research in jurisprudence and practical achievements of law enforcement agencies.

The Journal is included in the first category of the Catalog of the leading peer-reviewed scientific journals, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences should be published:
5.1.1. Theoretical and historical legal sciences (legal sciences).
5.1.2. Public law (public law) sciences (legal sciences).
5.1.4. Criminal law sciences (legal sciences).

"Bulletin of the Kazan Law Institute of MIA Russia" is published quarterly since September 2010. Our journal is registered in the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (ISSN 2227-1171), the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of Telecom, information technologies and mass communications (The mass media registration certificate PI ? FS 77-50418 of 29 June 2012), Scientific Electronic Library and in the RSCI; included in the catalogue "Newspapers. Journals" of OJSC "Agenstvo Rospechat’" subscription index – 84683.

Member of the Editorial Board
Zotina Elena
+7 (843) 537-62-13
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