Nigmatullin Rishat

Academic degree
doctor of jurisprudence sciences (speciality - VAC 5.1.1 Теоретико-исторические правовые науки)
Science rang
  1. employee the Ufa University of Science and Technologies , Department of International and Integration Law of the Institute of Law , Chairperson ,
  • Journal "Bulletin of the Kazan Law Institute of MIA Russia" ,
Contribution to science
Obosnoval formirovanie tendencii sozdaniya vseob'emlyuschey sistemy bor'by s prestupnost'yu, vklyuchayuschey glavnye organy OON, ego specializirovannye uchrezhdeniya i mezhdunarodnye organizacii, chto podtverdilos' uchrezhdeniem v 2017 g. Kontrterroristicheskogo upravleniya OON vo glave s zamestitelem General'nogo sekretarya OON, a takzhe neobhodimost' sozdaniya effektivnyh sistem zdravoohraneniya i social'nogo obespecheniya s cel'yu rasshireniya vozmozhnostey v poluchenii sootvetstvuyuschey pomoschi maloobespechennymi sem'yami, a takzhe imeyuschimi detey s otkloneniyami v razvitii. Personal'nyy indeks Hirsha -14
Russian Federation
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