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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the realization of the human right to health is the fundamental basis for the existence of a modern state. Human well-being is inextricably connected with the solution of political and socio-economic problems, therefore the right to health is recognized as a constitutional goal in most countries of the world. Materials and Methods: comparative legal and statistical methods of scientific analysis were applied. Results: in lust decade the Russian Federation as a law-governed state, as a priority area, considers the legislative provision of the human right to health. The national security strategy of the Russian Federation also presupposes the improvement of the quality of life and the strengthening of public health. In this regard, the further implementation of international law in Russian legislation and the improvement of the mechanism of their implementation are necessary. Discussion and Conclusions: the number of negatory factors that negatively affect the national security in the sphere of protecting the health of citizens are the shortcomings in the implementation of the state policy in the field of protecting the health of citizens. There are problems in the practical implementation of international legal and domestic regulatory documents.

he right to health, the UN, WHP, drug addiction, medical care, public health, medical services, prevention, quality of life, aging

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