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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the paper discusses the current state of Affairs in the administrative and jurisdictional activities of the police and judges associated with the use of examinations on Affairs about administrative offences where a weapon of offence stands air weapons. In connection with the prevalence and danger of these administrative and legal torts the problem of the possibility and feasibility of conducting examinations in cases of administrative offences is considered in connection with the prevalence and danger of these administrative and legal torts. Materials and Methods: analytical, techno-legal and formal legal methods were applied. Results: the causes that hinder the implementation procedure of judicial examination in the proceedings on cases of administrative offences, proposed possible solutions were revealed. Discussion and Conclusions: the decision of the questions arising from the appointment of the examination cannot take place in isolation from other problems of manufacture on Affairs about administrative offences. It is connected with the fact that the effective use of the entire spectrum of modern scientific and technical means in the process of disclosure and investigation of offences reinforces the guarantees of the rights of participants of proceedings on cases of administrative offences and at the same time contributes to the objectification of the process of proof.

ekspertiza, proizvodstvo po delam ob administrativnyh pravonarusheniyah, otvetstvennost', oruzhie
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