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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article considers the criminological features of persons committing crimes against property of passengers of Moscow metro based on the author's research; analyzes the individual characteristics of the substructure of their personality, the ways of criminal manifestations associated with technical and operational characteristics and the specifics of the "underground metropolis". Materials and Methods: when writing the article, the author used general scientific dialectical method of cognition of social reality, a set of general scientific and private scientific methods, including statistical, sociological (including the analysis of documents). 385 criminal cases on crimes against property (thefts, robberies) which are in production of bodies of investigation and inquiry of Department of Internal Affairs on Moscow subway of Main Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation across Moscow were studied. Personal experience of the author was also used during the period of work in the bodies of inquiry and investigation in the Department of Internal Affairs Main Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior across Moscow from 2014 to 2017. Results: based on the analysis of scientific literature and materials of judicial and investigative practice, the data characterizing the identity of criminals who commit selfish, selfish and violent crimes at the facilities of Moscow metro are obtained. Discussion and Conclusions: the author concludes that the identity of criminals who commit property infringements against the property of passengers of Moscow metro on moral, psychological, criminological and criminal law grounds is a special category of offenders, most of them representing a combination of professional criminals and persons close to criminal professionalism, united marginal way of life.

Moskovskiy metropoliten, lichnost' prestupnika, krazha, grabezh, razboy
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