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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article justifies the view that the professional ethics of a lawyer is one of the sociocultural and state-legal phenomena manifested in the historically developed and dynamically developing system of rules of conduct of a particular social group that ensures the moral character of the relationships conditioned or associated with their legal activities. The aim of the research is to study and improve the normative sphere that regulates the moral and ethical requirements for the activity of law enforcement agencies, as well as establishing guarantees and responsibility for providing this type of activity. Materials and Methods: we have analyzed the existing normative legal acts containing moral and ethical requirements for representatives of law enforcement activities, primarily employees of the judiciary. Philosophical, general scientific and private scientific methods of research were used in the work. Results: Basing on the analysis of the current Russian legislation as well as theses from scientific publications of the leading Russian legislators of the study of moral foundations of law enforcement it is necessary to improve moral foundations not only in terms of upping of the requirements but in terms of assurance in work of legislators. Besides it is suggested the use of multidisciplinary approach in the knowledge of the modern moral chalenges of legal experience.

professional'naya etika sudey, moral'no-eticheskie trebovaniya, yuridicheskaya deyatel'nost', pravoprimenenie
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