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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the efficiency of investigation of crimes largely depends on the completeness of the information gathered about the victim, as analysis of his personality makes it possible to identify the causes and conditions of conflict, to determine the mechanism of its development, to solve many of the issues that are important to establishing the truth during the investigation. The paper discusses the identity of the victim as an element of criminalistic characteristics of this category of crimes, the author focuses on the correlations of the personality of the victim and other elements of criminalistic characteristics of crimes connected with causing of harm to health. Materials and Methods: in the process of research the following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, statistical data processing, generalization of judicial and investigation practices. Results: the conducted research allowed to draw conclusions about what the identity of the victim is an indispensable element of criminalistic characteristics of crimes connected with causing of harm to health. The victim is an active participant in the crime situation and actively influence the development of the conflict. The practical importance of setting out detailed information about the identity of the victim is that it is directly linked with the identity of the offender, motives, purposes of the offence, place and time of the crime and how crimes. The value of not only its own (internal) characteristics of the individual victim as well as the circle of his relations, social and business qualities and relations with others. Discussion and Conclusions: recommendations on the list of personality characteristics that need to be installed in the study of the personality of the victim, as well as the main types of correlations and dependencies of the individual victim, which can be used for the nomination of versions, are given.

poterpevshiy, lichnost', kriminalisticheskaya harakteristika, vred zdorov'yu, korrelyacionnye svyazi
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