Introduction: the paper is devoted to the essence and influence of self-interest as multi-component psychological motive on socially significant relations. The author of the article affirms the idea that self-interest is a motivating factor in the behavior of persons involved in the process of voluntary informing law enforcement bodies about violations of law. Materials and Methods: the research is based on descriptive, analytical methods, methods of formalization and generalization, methods of inductive and deductive reasoning, technical-legal and formal-legal methods. Results: the author justifies the idea of the need to fully consider the motivations of citizens interested in maintaining these communicative relations. Discussion and Conclusions: as key conclusions, the author summarizes the need to establish and develop a constructive dialogue between law enforcement agencies and the public in the field of informing about violations of law.
motivaciya, koryst', informirovanie, pravonarushenie, kommunikativnye otnosheniya
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