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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the paper is devoted to the analysis of native legislation and international law in the framework of interaction on the issues concerning extremism counteraction. Norms of international law on priority directions of administrative-legal activity in the sphere of extremism counteraction are considered. Perspectives of international law and problems of international character of extremist direction are highlighted. Materials and Methods: in the process of the writing the article comparative-legal and logical methods of scientific knowledge were applied. Results: the Russian Federation cooperates with a number of countries, contributes to combat public dangerous phenomenon under consideration. In the framework of international cooperation to provide safety and peace as a whole and in the sphere of extremism counteraction in particular, it concludes bilateral and unilateral treaties and agreements. Considering violent rate of spreading and development of the ways and methods to exercise extremist activity, legislation of Russian as well as all international community needs relevant enhancement. Discussion and Conclusions: a number of problems, producing negative effect on further counteraction to extremist occurrences inside the country as well as international community put obstacles on the way to practical realization of international-legal treaties and agreements, as well as native legislation.

administrativnaya deyatel'nost', sotrudnichestvo, ekstremizm, terrorizm, mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, mezhdunarodnaya bezopasnost'
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