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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article deals with the issues of technical and forensic support of inspections of accident sites on the objects of railway transport; the ways of improving the disclosure and investigation of crimes in this area by increasing the mobility of the investigative team. Materials and Methods: the study is based on the materials of domestic and foreign theory of criminology, investigative and forensic practice of the internal affairs bodies in transport. When writing the article the dialectical method of cognition of the environment, functional, historical and legal, formal and logical, comparative and legal, specific sociological and legal methods were used. Results: the analysis of the factors determining the specificity of functioning of railway transport objects, determining the nature of the crimes committed in this area and affecting the technical and forensic provision of detection and investigation. The proposals to expand the possibilities of delivery of the investigative team and the necessary technical and forensic tools to the scene through the use of, in particular, road transport on a combined course (road / rail track). Discussion and Conclusions: the formulated proposals can be used in practice by the internal affairs bodies at the railway transport facilities

raskrytie i rassledovanie prestupleniy, zheleznodorozhnyy transport, peredvizhnaya kriminalisticheskaya laboratoriya, osmotr mesta proisshestviya, kombinirovannyy hod
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