Introduction: in recent years, manifestations of racial, national, religious hatred and enmity become a social phenomenon that threatens security of the state and society. The current situation is a threat not only to national security and integrity of Russia, but it is also a global problem. Nevertheless, for the Russian Federation, as a multi-ethnic and multi-religious state, this situation is particularly dangerous and requires decisive measures. The aim of the study is to develop the theoretical recommendations of the investigation of crimes of extremist orientation, considered as a priority direction of modern criminal policy, the proposal of possible ways to improve the efficiency of the investigation of this type of crime on the Internet. Materials and Methods: the conducted research is based on a dialectic method of scientific knowledge of an environmental real. Justification of provisions, the conclusions and recommendations of the work is carried out by complex use of the following methods of a social and legal research: historical and legal, formal and logical, comparative and legal, concrete social and legal. Results: the study identified certain challenges arising in the course of investigation and proof of extremist crimes committed on the Internet, as well as the implementation of criminal law measures to combat them. Discussion and Conclusions: the author comes to the conclusion that there is a need for an elaborated strategy to counter extremist activity, especially on the Internet, developed with the help of criminologists, practical law enforcement officers, specialists of information technology consistsing in an attempt to create a conceptual framework for combating organized criminal activity by proposing the creation of a productive regulatory framework, training of qualified personnel, to increase the effectiveness of methods of investigation of extremist crimes. These provisions will help to improve efficiency of investigation of extremist crimes on the Internet.
ekstremizm, ekstremistskaya deyatel'nost', metodika rassledovaniya, set' Internet
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