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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article deals with topical issues of further improving the system of preventing variable extremist manifestations and related deviations. The challenges of public integration into the system of criminological prevention of extremist crimes and the author's vision of their solution are described. Materials and Methods: in considering issues of public participation in the prevention of extremism, general scientific dialectic, structural and logical, functional and logical and semantic methods, methods of analysis, synthesis, classifications and groupings were used. Results: the work described problematic aspects of integration institutions of civil society and populations in the system for the prevention of extremism, as well as the specifics of public areas in modern counterextremist practice. Discussion and Conclusions: as a result of the research, the role and place of civil society institutions in the system of preventing extremist activity were revealed and determined. Recommendations and proposals on possible forms and areas of public participation in the prevention of extremism and its modes are formulated.

vzaimodeystvie gosudarstva i obschestva, grazhdanskoe obschestvo, kontrekstremistskaya deyatel'nost', kriminologicheskaya prevenciya, sistema preduprezhdeniya ekstremizma, uchastie obschestvennosti
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