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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article discusses the changes in the Russian legislation, providing for the regulation of local issues in the field of land relations. The consequences of the Federal Law “On Amendments to Art. 26.3 of the Federal Law "On General Principles of Organization of Legislative (Representative) and Executive State Authorities of Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation" and the Federal Law "On general principles of organization of local government in the Russian Federation N 136-FZ” in connection with the redistribution of powers between local authorities and bodies of state power of a subject of the Russian Federation. Materials and Methods: the materials of the study were the norms of Russian legislation regulating the list of issues of local importance of municipalities, scientific publications of researchers, as well as materials of judicial practice on the designated topic. When writing the article, we used logical, legal and other methods, in particular screening of normative sources. Results: the article analyzes changes in the legislation governing the issues of local importance in the field of land relations, presents the legal positions of researchers and jurisdictional bodies relating to the considered novels, gives the author's position on the solution of these issues. Discussion and Conclusions: the conclusions about the imperfection of the amendments to the Federal Law N 136-FZ are substantiated. The authors come to the conclusion that the addition of land legislation in the field of redistribution of powers between the local government body and public authorities will protect legitimate rights and interests of citizens.

voprosy mestnogo znacheniya, zemel'nye otnosheniya, organy mestnogo samoupravleniya, institut pereraspredeleniya polnomochiy
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