Kazan, Russian Federation
Introduction: the article is concerned with conditions and criteria for the effectiveness of contractual legal regulation. The efficiency is the most important characteristic of the legal form, an indicator of the level of professionalism of the subjects of legal regulation, the direct criterion for assessing the quality of the operation of the system of legal means in general. A high degree of effectiveness of legal instruments is one of the guarantees for successfully solving actual problems of social reality, a guarantee of the progressive development of society. Materials and Methods: a specific sociological method of research of legal phenomena, deductive methodological techniques, as well as a mathematical method were used. Results: the effectiveness of contractual legal regulation includes the following components: effectiveness; social utility and value of results; the degree of perfection and optimality of the applied regulatory instruments. Two groups of factors (conditions): regulatory and individual grounds for regulatory activity were identified. As criteria for assessing the degree of effectiveness of contractual legal regulation, it is proposed to consider the following factual data: 1) on the initial state of the object of impact; 2) about changes in the object of impact for the analyzed period; 3) about socially significant goals; 4) about costs. Discussion and Conclusions: the study of the effectiveness of contractual legal regulation made it possible to formulate a definition of the phenomenon under study, identify conditions and define criteria for assessing the degree of effectiveness of contractual regulatory activity.
effektivnost' prava, dogovornoe pravovoe regulirovanie, usloviya effektivnosti, kriterii effektivnosti pravoregulyativnoy deyatel'nosti
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