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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the purpose of this article is studying of impact of the de-Stalinization which has begun after the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union of 1956 on the process of preparation of the textbook on history of political doctrines. Results: de-Stalinization and exposure of a cult of personality of I. Stalin have made the negative impact on the process of preparation of the textbook on history of political doctrines which became unprecedented means of updating of the historical and legal knowledge. The practical importance of the article is that arguments of scientific discussions on issues of preparation of the textbook on history of political and legal doctrines can be used as study experience of a domestic historiography of political and legal doctrines. Discussion and Conclusions: in domestic historical and legal science particular importance is attached to studying of impact of de-Stalinization on transformation of political and legal institutes of the USSR. On the basis of the analysis of historical sources, the author has come to conclusions about a negative role of ideological control of the Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the course of creation of the seminal textbook on history of political doctrines of the 50th years of the XX century.

destalinizaciya, istoriya politicheskih i pravovyh ucheniy, razoblachenie kul'ta lichnosti I.V. Stalina, vul'garno-sociologicheskiy podhod, princip partiynosti, klassovaya bor'ba
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