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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article deals with the issue of the existence of economic, political, spiritual and other non-legal guarantees of constitutional human rights and freedoms. Materials and Methods: monographic, educational and other special literature, which contains the analysis of non-legal guarantees of fundamental rights and freedoms, is studied by means of logical, formal legal and comparative legal methods. Results: the article presents the concept of the impossibility of the existence of non-legal guarantees of the rights and freedoms regardless of the legal regulation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Discussion and Conclusion: arguments are presented on the existence of general and special constitutional guarantees that mediate non-legal guarantees of fundamental human rights and freedoms.

garantii, nepravovye garantii, osnovnye prava i svobody cheloveka i grazhdanina, obschie konstitucionnye garantii, special'nye konstitucionnye garantii
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