Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: the author considers in the article topical issues of police activity on prevention terrorist acts committed on railway transport and measures aimed to reduce harmful consequences on transportation infrastructure facilities. Materials and Methods: methodological basis was the general scientific methods of analysis of the phenomena studied (observation, description, comparison etc.), as well as direct study of the experience of law enforcement of the police of Russia and the UK, scientific and legal literature. Results: the article considers domestic and foreign experiences of traffic police officers of Russia and the UK on prevention of terrorist acts on railway transports regional transport infrastructure, experience on communication between Russian and the UK authorities on creation safe environment. The authors studies factors emerging as a result of explosions in a confined space of train stations and rolling stock. Discussion and Conclusions: improvement of the legal organizational aspects of police on reducing harmful consequences of terroristic acts on railway service and transportation infrastructure facilities.

terroristicheskiy akt, zheleznodorozhnyy transport, vzryv, porazhayuschie faktory, vrednye posledstviya, infrastruktura
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