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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article gives the idea of rewriting, considers the main mechanism for the implementation of rewriting, aimed at the criminal use of the results of someone else's copyright activities in order to generate income. The main issues associated with the investigation of these criminal manifestations on the Internet are described. Materials and Methods: in the course of the study the following methods were used: logical and legal, analytical, comparative and legal, statistical data processing. Results: the study showed that currently one of the most common ways of copyright infringement is rewriting. The revealed mechanism of implementation of rating activity allows form an idea of the probable trace picture, which can be used in the disclosure and investigation of such crimes. The existing problems complicating identification of the guilty on this category of crimes are reflected. Discussion and Conclusions: it is proposed to implement legislative and organizational actions aimed at combating anonymity on the Internet, which will complicate activities of criminals, will serve as the basis for reducing illegal activities related to copyright infringement through rewriting.

kriminalistika, mehanizm prestupleniya, rerayting, moshennichestvo, narushenie avtorskih prav, rassledovanie
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