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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article deals with specific features of the identity of criminals who commit crimes in the sphere of housing and communal services, ways of their criminal actions. Materials and Methods: the authors used general scientific and special scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, scientific and analytical, descriptive, theoretical and legal methods, study, generalization, as well as such special-criminological methods as the study of criminal cases and the interrogation of criminals. Results: the article presents some socio-demographic, moral, psychological and criminal-legal properties and qualities of persons committing crimes in the sphere of housing and communal services, classifies the ways of their criminal actions, focuses on the need to take into account these properties and qualities in preventive activities for the crimes under consideration. Discussion and Conclusion: the article states that the identity of the criminal who commits crimes in the sphere of housing and communal services, in many of its characteristics is different from the identity of other categories of criminals, especially committing ordinary crimes. Knowledge of such characteristics is necessary for the organization of effective work on the prevention of these crimes.

sfera zhilischno-kommunal'nogo hozyaystva, lichnost' prestupnika, lichnost' prestupnika, sovershayuschego prestupleniya v sfere zhilischno-kommunal'nogo hozyaystva, preduprezhdenie prestupleniy v sfere ZhKH
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