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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article is devoted to the consideration of control and supervisory activity problem, its kinds, subjects and objects determination in the penitentiary system. Materials and Methods: research basis was made by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2014 No. 1314 "Statute of the Federal Service of Punishment Executions", scientific articles, revealing the questions of control and supervision in the penitentiary system. During the research work on the article the scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization and comparison, and also formal and legal method were applied. Results: possibility of distinguishing in a criminal and executive right of non-penitentiary control is argued the article, the subjects of that are the administration of organizations where convicts work and serve their punishments. The objects of this control are convicts served their obligatory and correctional works. Discussion and Conclusions: the author comes to the conclusion that in the penal enforcement system, in addition to penitentiary control, there is also non-penitentiary control, which refers to the activities of organizations that are not part of the penal system, within the framework of legally fixed interaction with the penitentiary inspectorates, aimed at monitoring for the conduct of convicts to compulsory and correctional labor at the place of their serving and work, the performance of other duties, to assist the criminal enforcement in the conduct of educational work with convicts.

kontrol', sub'ekty i uchastniki ugolovno-ispolnitel'nyh pravootnosheniy, administraciya organizaciy, obyazatel'nye i ispravitel'nye raboty, penitenciarnyy kontrol', nepenitenciarnyy kontrol'
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