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Abstract (English):
Introduction: for the purpose of objective investigation of origins of modern organizational and structural construction of specialized units within the police of Russia, engaged in the fight against banditry, the author made a brief analysis of the specialized units creation, formation and development, as well as changes, development and specification of their functions in the Soviet period of our country. The previous history of the development of the units of police, whose fields of competence included the mentioned work area, influenced the actual organizational and structural state of the units to combat organized crime. Materials and Methods: the results of the research are based on the study of departmental acts of the internal affairs agency, published from 1918 to 1991, archival documents relating to the structure of departments and services of the police, whose functions included the fight against banditry. Dialectical, comparative and historical, formal and legal methods were used in the study. Results: organizational and structural support of the fight against crime of the internal affairs bodies was focused on the creation of specialized units at various stages of the development of the country in the context of the complication of the operational situation associated with the activities of gangs. Their activities resisted organized crime and kept control of criminal syndicates in the republics and regions of the country. Discussion and Conclusions: optimization of organizational and structural support should include the local conditions and characteristics of the subject of the Russian Federation, the nature of gang manifestations. In this regard, the structure of anti-banditry units and their staff should be developed taking into account the scene in relation to the territorial characteristics.

organizaciya operativno-rozysknoy deyatel'nosti, bor'ba s banditizmom, struktura operativnyh podrazdeleniy, organizacionno-strukturnoe obespechenie ORD
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