Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article deals with some issues of implementation of the Federal Law № 262-FZ of December 22, 2008 "Оn ensuring access to information on the activities of courts in the Russian Federation", puts forward proposals to improve the implementation of this law. Materials and Methods: in the course of the conducted research the following methods were used: generalization of judicial practice, analytical, technical and legal, formal and logical, comparative legal methods. Results: the study reveals some imperfections in the operation of courts at the location of the open access to texts of judicial decisions. Discussion and Conclusions: the necessity of placement of texts of court decisions, as a rule, without withdrawal and exceptions, except for those provided by law.

informaciya o deyatel'nosti sudov, personal'nye dannye, razmeschenie v seti Internet tekstov sudebnyh aktov, administrativnaya otvetstvennost' yuridicheskih lic
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