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Abstract (English):
Introduction: this article examines the issues of establishing the subjective side of crime stipulated by Article 165 of the Criminal Code. Materials and Methods: logic, system, structure methods and methods of statistics and analysis were applied. The study materials were the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, now the literature and jurisprudence. Results: the article analyzes the subjective side of the crime provided by Article 165 of the Criminal Code, which establishes responsibility for property damage fraudulently or abuse of trust in the absence of signs of theft. The various opinions of law scientists under the definition of intent in the Commission of the specified crime were explored. Motives and purpose for committing this crime. Discussion and Conclusions: the author comes to the infliction of property damage by deception or the abuse of trust can only be done with direct intent, in addition, justifies the inclusion of a mercenary goal in the number of mandatory signs of the subjective side of the crime.

prichinenie imuschestvennogo uscherba, sub'ektivnaya storona prestupleniya, vina, cel', motiv
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