from 01.01.2023 to 01.01.2024
Akademiya MVD Rossii
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 343.9 Криминология. Криминалистика
Introduction: the article presents the results of the study of the object of criminal security in the Russian financial market. The author’s goal is to clarify the concept of financial market which will allow determining the degree of public danger of crimes in the financial services markets, the level shadow economy and its influence on the Russian financial market. Materials and Methods: the research materials included: regulations, doctrinal provisions and analytical data related to the study of the financial market, statistical indicators of identified illegal actions committed in the national financial market. The methodological tools were: a set of general scientific and special legal methods: dialectical, formal legal, statistical, linguistic and empirical methods of cognition. Results: as a result of a criminological study of the Russian financial market, it was established that the object of criminological research is financial and economic relations arising in the Russian financial market. Based on the foregoing, it is necessary to note the increase in the level of criminological security of financial and economic relations emerging in the financial services market, which requires the creation of special protection measures that will reduce the level of criminal threats and risks for all participants (subjects) of the national financial market, as a result of which the level of criminological protection of the individual, society and state in the economic sphere. Discussion and Conclusions: based on the results of the financial market research, the author defines financial and economic relations as an object arising from the actions of participants in the Russian financial market, characterized by an unprecedented increase in illegal activities, a low level of detection and documentation of unfair practices, an increased level of latency of illegal actions, as a result of which there is an urgent need to create conditions for uninterrupted and effective the functioning of the criminological security system in the conditions of modern realities, modernization of the process of increasing not only the level of financial literacy of the population, but also the training of specialists who protect the financial market from illegal encroachments at the intradepartmental, interdepartmental and international levels.
object of criminological security of the Russian financial market; financial market; level of the shadow economy; financial and economic relations; illegal actions; system for ensuring criminological security; special criminological measures; level of criminological security; level of criminological protection of the individual, society and state in the economic sphere
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