Introduction: the present paper deals with issues related to the solution of tasks to improve the quality and effectiveness of the activities of the bodies of inquiry, investigators in the stage of initiating criminal proceedings. The relevance of the issue is confirmed by the continuing polemics of scientists and practitioners on the modernization of criminal justice, in particular, the exclusion of the stage of criminal proceedings. The purpose of the study is the development of a quality standard for pre-investigation testing that allows to unify the actions of officials of inquiry agencies in the stage of initiating a criminal case when applying the norms of criminal and criminal procedural legislation. Materials and Methods: the methodology of the study is a systematic approach using theoretical research methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization) and empirical methods (descriptions, comparisons). The study, analysis and generalization of the materials of pre-investigation checks and criminal cases in the authorized persons of the bodies of inquiry made it possible to single out general shortcomings in their activities and to develop the main directions for improving the quality and efficiency of work on disclosure and investigation of crimes at the initial stage. Results: in the existing law enforcement sphere, an objective need has arisen to develop a quality standard for pre-investigation checks conducted by officials of inquiry agencies. The author’s model of the quality standard is presented. Discussion and Conclusions: the author suggests using the developed quality standard of the pre-investigation check for the unified application of the norms of the criminal and criminal procedural legislation. It is planned to further develop the quality standards for the criminal case, investigated both in the form of an inquiry and in the form of a preliminary investigation.
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