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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the paper analyses planned policy of the state on elimination of administrative pressure on businesses, provision of security of the subjects of entrepreneurs, creation of the specific order of proceedings in criminal cases on entrepreneurial crimes against property. Materials and Methods: logical and legal, comparative and legal methods, synthesis of the materials of legislative and judicial practice in the course of the work are used. Results: one of the main elements of the special procedure of conduct of criminal proceedings on crimes against property committed in entrepreneurship became private and public procedure of initiating criminal proceedings. According to the law interpreted by the Plenum of Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, legal status of appellant, scope of persons, to relation of which the decision on criminal prosecution, proof of the basis of the sentence and so on could be applied to the number of peculiarities of institution of criminal proceeding on crimes against property committed in entrepreneurship. Discussion and Conclusions: the author identified the range of positive and negative consequences resulting implementation of the special procedure institution of criminal proceedings concerning subjects of entrepreneurial crimes against property. Presence of challenges in proof of grounds for initiation of a criminal case. It is concluded that tactic measures aimed at development of the existing investigation model exhausted themselves. To improve fundamentally legal regulation of the relations arising at the origin of a criminal proceeding the new legal strategy is needed.

vozbuzhdenie ugolovnogo dela, ugolovnyy process, chastno-publichnoe obvinenie, predprinimatel'skaya deyatel'nost'
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