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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the paper considers the modern trends of crime in general and trends in individual structural components of the crime. Materials and Methods: the work is based on the use of specially scientific and general scientific methods of cognition, analysis of information about the state of crime in Russia, the data of international analytical surveys and using the results of the studies conducted previously by the author and other scientists. Results: the paper presents the results of a study of the trends of modern crime. It is noted the ambiguity of trends on individual types of crimes and persons who committed them. Discussion and Conclusions: the author comes to the conclusion about the necessity of taking into account qualitative changes of criminality in Russia, expressed in the inner (structural) redistribution of certain types of crimes, forecasting and planning of preventive activities of Internal Affairs bodies.

prestupnost', struktura, tendenciya, statistika, sub'ekt, cikl, sostoyanie, uroven', koefficient
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