Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: the goal of the research basing on the analysis of the range of legislative and documents of management and record keeping materials of the XVIII - beginning of the XIX centuries is reconstruction of the police apparatus appearance in Kazan Governorate. Materials and Methods: the sources of the work are legal acts of Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire of the XIX century, documents of the Russian State Historical Archive, the National Archives of the Republic of Tatarstan. Methodology of the study is based on the general scientific principles of historism and systematic nature. Historical and genetic, comparative-historical, typologic- historical methods and methods of research of the sources of validation and representativeness of the sources are used. Results: the analysis of regulatory and archive sources allows to suggest that April, 23 1733 is the creation date of Kazan police, trace the historical of its development in XVIII - beginning of the XIX centuries, determine the spheres of interaction of Kazan police and central authorities. Discussion and Conclusions: basis of the organization of Kazan police in XVIII - beginning of the XIX centuries was laid, its functions, competence and position within the Government were determined. Urban and rural police were created, Police Service transformed into civic, the main challenges of its development became apparent. The Emperors particularly decided the main issues of organization of the County Police.

organy gubernskoy policii, Rossiyskaya imperiya, Kazanskaya guberniya, Ministerstvo vnutrennih del, gubernatory
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