Introduction: the article is devoted to the criminal law analysis of extremist motive of crime on the basis of actual statistical data and judicial practice. Materials and Methods: the basis of the research is the dialectical method, comparative legal, formal logical and statistical methods were used as private scientific methods. Results: the article discusses criminal features of the qualification of a motive of extremist crimes. Special attention is paid to the establishment of extremist motive based on the individual characteristics of a criminal act. Discussion and Conclusions: the article substantiates the opinion that the extremist motive is an intrinsic motivation of the person who committed the crime, expressed in opposition of the personal (group) interests to the interests of a part of society through the commission of actions aimed at a victim who possesses an integral (acquired) social property.
ekstremizm, ekstremistskiy motiv, kvalifikaciya prestupleniya, vnutrennee pobuzhdenie lica
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