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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article presents the results of theoretical understanding of the procedural and public status of an investigator, some recommendations for the legislator, which can be used in the formation and implementation of criminal procedure policy in order to increase the credibility of the investigator. According to the author of the article, insufficient credibility of an investigator impedes the creation in society of the perception of justice in pre-trial proceedings, which makes it difficult to effectively implement the public function of criminal justice. Materials and Methods: the study is based on the method of materialistic dialectics. The question of increasing the credibility of an investigator is considered in conjunction with a number of other criminal procedural problems: the credibility of a judge, criminal procedural functions, functions of an investigator, and organization of pre-trial proceedings. In addition, general scientific methods were used: historical, sociological, formal-logical, analysis, synthesis, etc., as well as specific scientific methods: comparative-legal; formal legal, logical and legal etc. Results: credibility of an investigator in the society is an important factor in ensuring the publicity of criminal proceedings. The author suggests that an investigator must be seen by the population of the country as a highly professional, responsible, possessing necessary moral qualities, able to provide a legitimate and fair investigation in a criminal case. Discussion and Conclusions: investigator is an official performing the function of a justice nature, i.e. providing comprehensive, complete and objective investigation of the circumstances of a criminal case. In this regard, his credibility must be comparable to that of a judge and requires appropriate enforcement measures.

funkcii sledovatelya, avtoritet sledovatelya, processual'noe polozhenie sledovatelya, processual'naya samostoyatel'nost' sledovatelya, publichnost' ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva
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