Introduction: the article is devoted to the organization of prosecutorial supervision over observance of the constitutional right of citizens to education in terms of ensuring its accessibility. Materials and Methods: the methodological tools of the research include dialectical, comparative legal, formal logical and statistical methods. Statistical data of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation from 2012 to 2017, statistical data of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from 2015 to 2018, as well as materials of published judicial practice on issues of ensuring the accessibility of education were used as research materials. Results: the article presents results of the analysis of criteria of general access to education as priority way of prosecutorial oversight over observation of constitutional law of rights of citizens to education. Discussion and Conclusions: the article substantiates the opinion that there is no clear definition of criteria of general access to education lead to violation of citizens’ constitutional rights.
prokurorskiy nadzor, konstitucionnye prava grazhdan, pravo na obrazovanie, doshkol'noe obrazovanie
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