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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article discusses the main factors that determine petty passive and active bribery in such socially important areas as health and education. Materials and Methods: the study used general scientific and private scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, systemic, logical etc. The sentences of courts of various subjects of the Russian Federation were studied, convicted by participants of such social spheres as health and education. The results of the survey of employees and patients of medical organizations, employees and students in educational institutions, their parents and legal representatives were analyzed. Results: the factors determining petty bribery in health care and education spheres are a complex of socio-economic, political, psychological, organizational causes and conditions (objective and subjective), which together form the environment that allows spread this phenomenon, and determine the most common types of bribery in socially significant areas. Discussion and Conclusions: knowledge of the causes and conditions of petty bribery in social and health spheres is a necessary component of further activities in the field of prevention of these crimes.

melkaya vzyatka, faktory, determiniruyuschie melkoe vzyatochnichestvo, sfera zdravoohraneniya, sfera obrazovaniya
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