Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: the first part of the work gives a brief overview of the general characteristics of conciliation as a sort of diplomatic (political) way of peaceful settlement of international disputes. Materials and Methods: while working on the article, empirical (study, analysis of the General Act on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes of 1949, comparison), theoretical methods of scientific knowledge were used. Results: the author points to the pros and cons of diplomatic means of resolving international disputes, which, among other things, also apply to reconciliation. The second part of the article is devoted to the specific characteristics of reconciliation. Attention is paid to the definition of conciliation, the connection (similarities and differences) with the most similar methods of peaceful settlement of international disputes (investigation, mediation, arbitration), and also provides an overview of the most important points. Discussion and Conclusions: the author concludes that the conciliation seems to continue retaining its place and significance, as the most suitable means in some cases either by itself, or when used at the same time with other means. This is especially so for sensitive issues such as those relating to security, disarmament, joint ventures, environmental protection, delimitation, watercourse disputes, outer space activities, and the like. Therefore, we should not be surprised if in the future this institution experiences another youth.

reconciliation, international disputes, peaceful settlement, international public law, diplomatic means
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