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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article deals with topical issues related to the criminal proceedings against investigator. Materials and Methods: the basis of the study was historical and logical methods, as well as the method of analysis. Results: it is established that the presented specifics of criminal proceedings against investigator should not be minimized only to the order of initiation of criminal proceedings, which is defined in the current version of the paragraph 10 of the part 1 of Article 448 of the Сode of Сriminal Рrocedure of the Russian Federation. The need for legislative clarification of this issue is proved. Discussion and Conclusions: a proposal was formulated to expand the powers of prosecutor or to restore his/her previous powers regarding initiation of criminal proceedings against investigator in order to facilitate the actual implementation of the latter’s functions in criminal proceedings, as well as to improve the quality of criminal investigations.

proizvodstvo po ugolovnomu delu, otdel'naya kategoriya lic, rukovoditel' sledstvennogo organa, prokuror, ugolovnoe presledovanie
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