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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article is devoted to consideration of issues arising due to lack of special legislation regulating the transition of victims' rights in case of his/her death which is not the reason of crime. Materials and Methods: empirical and theoretical research methods, including selection of facts, comparison, abstraction, scientific and analytical approach. Results: the study enabled to detect certain imperfections of legal regulation of transfer of rights (legal succession) of a deceased victim to others. It is established that the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not have rules governing the transfer of the rights of the victim to other persons in case of his/her death (not in connection with the crime due to illness, accident, and others). In addition, there is no possibility of termination of such criminal cases for the reconciliation of the parties. These circumstances are the reason for lack of a unified approach to the practical resolution of these issues. Discussion and Conclusions: the current criminal procedure legislation of the Russian Federation needs to be supplemented by its norms regulating the transfer of rights of the victim who died not in connection with crime to other persons. At the same time, it is advisable to establish a legislative ban on the termination of such criminal cases for the reconciliation of the parties.

pravopreemnik poterpevshego, perehod prav poterpevshego, smert' poterpevshego, prekraschenie ugolovnogo dela za primireniem storon
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