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Abstract (English):
Introduction: fight against corruption, as one of the priorities of the state, requires proportionate measures of influence on corruption behavior. The authors of the article suggest that the reason for the current crisis of the criminal law in fight against corruption crime is the lack of a systematic approach to the improvement of criminal law. Materials and Methods: the key method was the method of system analysis; along with it, the following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, logical, statistical, comparative, historical, modeling, and process approach. Results: historical analysis of corruption crime reveals its direct connection with the changes in values prevailing in the Russian society. Significant changes that occurred in the country led to the predominance of material attitudes over spiritual, private interests over public. With the loss of the role and importance of public resources in the control of corruption crimes, the role and importance of criminal law sanctions in articles on corruption crimes are increasing. Discussion and Conclusions: in order to restore public and state priorities in current situation within the framework of criminal law relations, the authors consider it appropriate to impose sanctions for corruption such as confiscation of property and death penalty.

ugolovnoe pravo, obschestvennye otnosheniya, korrupcionnye prestupleniya, nakazanie, sistemnyy analiz, modelirovanie ugolovnoy otvetstvennosti
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