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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article is devoted to formation of forensic model of human activity connected with ethnical crimes. Forensic model of the crime is an alternative of more familiar criminalistic characteristic of the crimes which is different with its systemic nature, interdependence (interrelation). Forensic model of human activity connected with investigation of ethnical crimes is the informational basis of developing of special forensic method of ethnical crimes investigations. Materials and Methods: the research methodology is based on the systematic approach and includes social, statistical, logical and other universal scientific research methods, the method of forensic modeling and mental reconstruction as well. Results: as an initial leading notion, the definition of the person committing ethnical crimes is defined as a person with the whole of social and psychological features who carries out his/her activity basing on genetic factors which due to his/her ethnic origin differs from representatives of Russian macroethics with his/her ethnic language, folk and domestic culture, ceremonies and ethnic identity - this influences the process of reflective processes in realization or perception of criminal activity. The concepts of "ethnical crimes", "forensic model of human activity connected with ethnical crimes" are derived. The arguments against the use of the concept "ethnical criminal activity" raised. Discussion and Conclusions: the concept of forensic model of human activity connected with commission of ethnical crimes which means scientific abstraction established under generalization of essential behavioral acts on developing mental model of an ethical crime and putting this crime into real practice.

advenal'noe lico, advenal'nye prestupleniya, kriminalisticheskaya harakteristika prestupleniya, kriminalisticheskaya model' prestupnoy deyatel'nosti, chastnaya kriminalisticheskaya metodika
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