Introduction: the article outlines the specifics of determining the right of clergymen to refuse to testify in criminal cases, the concept of confession is considered, examples of court decisions in which the testimonies of priests are used as evidence in criminal cases are given. Materials and Methods: during the work on the article, such general logical methods as the analysis of scientific works, religious literature, jurisprudence on the subject matter and synthesis were applied. The axiomatic method was used when working with religious literature. Results: the work carried out to study the peculiarities of the legal interpretation of the term "confession", allows expand the spectrum of confessions in which this rite exists, which is of significant importance for the law enforcer. Analysis of judicial practice shows that clergy themselves have the opportunity to waive the immunity provided by law from giving evidence when it is necessary to submit information relevant to the criminal case. Discussion and Conclusions: the witness immunity of clergymen applies only to persons specially authorized by the relevant religious institutions to perform a ritual of repentance, if that is provided for by their religious teaching, regardless of the form of conduct and information received only during confession. Thus priests have the right to independently refuse this type of witness immunity.
svidetel'skiy immunitet, otkaz ot dachi pokazaniy, svyaschennosluzhitel', tayna ispovedi, hristianstvo, islam, krishnaizm, buddizm
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