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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article deals with actual issues of violation of rules of transportation of passengers and improving safety transportation of passengers in automobile transport. Particular attention is paid to legislative collisions concerning rules of transportation of children and licensing of transport. Materials and Methods: the paper analyzes the results of law enforcement practice of General Administration for Traffic Safety in the Nizhnij Novgorod Region, laws and regulations of the organization of passenger transport, as well as the norms specified in the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences. The methodological basis of the study was: methods of dialectics as a general scientific method of cognition, as well as specific scientific methods: comparative and legal, technical and legal, formal and logical in their various combinations. An important component is the application of the method of appeal to the conclusions of institutional legal theory. Results: the lack of legislative consolidation of mandatory licensing of all passenger transport hinders the improvement of road safety and optimization of state control of this sphere of public relations. It would be advisable to take a step towards the adoption of a fundamental codification act, which would be able to combine the rules for the regulation of carriage by certain modes of transport.

pravila perevozki detey, pravila perevozki passazhirov, administrativnaya otvetstvennost' za narushenie pravil perevozki lyudey
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