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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article is devoted to the consideration of topical issues in the framework of the mechanism of improvement of the Russian legislation. The growing range of responsibilities of legal entities forms the need for precise legal requirements that must meet the criteria excluding any inaccuracies and ambiguity in understanding of the legal norms. The author pays special attention to the search for legal means to remove obstacles in the system of law enforcement. Attention is paid to the aspects related to the use of legal technology. Issues related to the monitoring of law enforcement and anti-corruption expertise of regulatory legal acts are particularly relevant. Materials and Methods: in writing the study methods of general scientific and legal orientation were used: logical method, method of analysis, synthesis, formal-legal method and method of comparative legal characteristics. Results: the study allowed establish the similarity and difference of anti-corruption expertise from legal expertise of normative legal acts. Thus, the object of normative legal research is recognized as similarity. Distinctive features are the specifics and features of the regulatory deficiency; the range of subjects entitled to such examinations. Discussion and Conclusions: the study allows us formulate the following conclusions: monitoring of law enforcement is recognized as one of the fundamental directions in the field of construction and improvement of the legislative process, where special updating belongs to the anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts, designed to solve the problems of establishing possible corruption-related factors.

pravo, norma prava, zakon, zakonodatel'stvo, normativnyy pravovoy akt, monitoring pravoprimeneniya, antikorrupcionnaya ekspertiza
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