Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: the relevance of the research topic is insufficient study of the right to housing in historical perspective. The current official figure of providing housing for employees of the internal affairs agency are given, the importance and influence of housing provision for law enforcement officers in the course of their professional activities are highlighted. Materials and Methods: methods for analysis and synthesis, system, historic and legal (chronological) methods as well were used during the study on theoretical and practical issues of right to housing of police officers. Results: theoretical and practical issues of right to housing of police officers are studied. Historical aspect of development and establishment of its right to housing of police officers (milizia officers), its legislative enshrinement in different periods of historical development of the country and society are studied. Discussion and Conclusions: the final part of the article presents conclusions on the fact that provision of housing to police officers was carried out differently and depended on social, economic, political and human rights and other factors in different periods of development of the country and society. Under the influence of mentioned circumstances, legislative enshrinement of the right to housing of police officers (milizia officers) of Russia.

pravo na zhilische, zhilischnoe zakonodatel'stvo, organy vnutrennih del, social'nye garantii, zhilischnoe obespechenie sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del, policiya, miliciya, policiya Rossiyskoy imperii
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