Introduction: the article considers elements of criminological characteristics of identity of minor victim of the cases on failure to fulfil child-rearing obligations. Materials and Methods: the following scientific methods were used: literature analysis method, system and structural, empirical. Results: in the course of the study social and demographic profiles of victim on criminal cases on failure to fulfill child-rearing obligations were investigated. Statistical data and legal precedents were studied. A typical portrait of the victim's personality, according to this category of crime was compiled. Discussion and Conclusions: the authors offer to make active use of the resource of model portrait of victim in the process of building forensic versions, planning investigations, investigative actions.
kriminalisticheskaya harakteristika, lichnost' poterpevshego, neispolnenie obyazannostey po vospitaniyu nesovershennoletnego, social'no-demograficheskie harakteristiki
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