Introduction: the article deals with topical issues of the revision of the sentence decided by the court in a special order in connection with the conclusion of a pre-trial cooperation agreement. Materials and Methods: the study used the following methods: logical and legal, comparative legal, statistical data processing, generalization of judicial and investigative practice. Results: the study showed that the mechanism of review of the sentence imposed in a special manner in connection with the conclusion of a pre-trial cooperation agreement is imperfect, since the consequences provided for in the law in case of violation of the terms of the pre-trial cooperation agreement is difficult to apply in practice. Discussion and Conclusions: recommendations are put forward to improve the legislation and law enforcement practice of reviewing sentences decided in a special way in connection with the conclusion of a pre-trial cooperation agreement
dosudebnoe soglashenie o sotrudnichestve, peresmotr prigovora, vnov' otkryvshiesya obstoyatel'stva, kassacionnoe predstavlenie prokurora
1. Zhukov G.K. Al'ternativnye sposoby peresmotra prigovorov v otnoshenii lic, zaklyuchivshih dosudebnoe soglashenie o sotrudnichestve // Prokuror. 2017. № 3. S. 134-139.