Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Introduction: the essence of forecasting and planning is analyzed in the article, the content of the activity of investigators and detectives is examined in the course of forecasting and planning of detective activities and investigative actions in detecting and investigating of fraud, and ways of improving this activity are determined. Materials and Methods: the methodology of the study is a systematic approach using theoretical research methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization) and empirical methods (descriptions, comparisons). In addition, the authors used analytical-synthetic methods - in the search and analysis of literature on the topic; method of comparative analysis - in determining the essence of the concepts of planning and forecasting. Results: based on the essence of planning and forecasting in the activity, the authors determined the content of planning and the main functions of the detective and investigative forecast, it was specified that in planning the investigation in criminal cases, four basic principles of a general nature must be observed. Discussion and Conclusions: the analysis of the structural and qualitative aspects of planning and forecasting detecting and investigating activities in cases of fraudulent encroachments showed that there are a number of significant problems. Based on this, the authors suggest use the entire available tactical arsenal of operational and investigative units.

operativno-rozysknaya deyatel'nost', planirovanie, prognozirovanie, versii, sledstvennye deystviya, operativno-rozysknye meropriyatiya, raskrytie, rassledovanie
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