Introduction: the article gives the analysis of modern foreign legislation that regulates criminal liability for the legalization (money laundering) of the illicit proceeds from drug trafficking. Materials and Methods: the material was international legal acts, the criminal legislation of some foreign states, works on criminal law, criminology and economics on the legalization of criminal proceeds (money laundering). In preparing the study, content analysis, comparative and system-structural methods were used. Results: a comparative analysis of foreign criminal law allowed classifying legislation into groups, depending on the availability of norms that criminalize the legalization (money laundering) of the illicit proceeds from drug trafficking. Discussion and Conclusions: in order to strengthen criminal responsibility and establish more severe penalties for the legalization (money laundering) of the illicit proceeds from drug trafficking, we propose to introduce additional qualifying signs in Articles 174 and 174.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - the legalization (money laundering) of the illicit proceeds from drug trafficking, psychotropic substances or their analogues.
sravnitel'noe pravovedenie, ugolovnoe zakonodatel'stvo zarubezhnyh stran, nezakonnyy oborot narkotikov, legalizaciya prestupnyh dohodov, otmyvanie deneg
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