Introduction: the concepts of dual use goods and legal regime of dual use goods are considered in the article. Features of regime control of dual use" goods are studied. Materials and Methods: the research is based on descriptive, analytical methods, methods of formalization and generalization, inductive and deductive methods, technical and legal, formal and legal methods, as well as a system and synergistic approach. Results: the work presents a legal characteristic of the regime of dual-use goods as an object of civil rights. The legal features of dual-use goods have been studied. The main characteristics of the legal regime for dual-use goods are revealed, which, in our opinion, include lawfulness, structure, purposefulness, polarity and systemic character. Legal issues of trade turnover of dual-use goods are analyzed, the main one is the challenge of using incentives and permissions for export control over dual-use goods. Discussion and Conclusions: the main features of legal regime are identified, including a dynamic aspect, as well as identified a number of negative factors that adversely affect the mode of dual-use goods, including limited use of the incentive system and permissions for regulatory regulation. There is a correlation between the use of incentives and restrictions in self-organization of dual-use regime.
pravovoy rezhim, eksportnyy kontrol', rezhim tovarov dvoynogo naznacheniya, spiski kontroliruemyh tovarov
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