Introduction: this article deals with the main issues associated with government procurement for needs of internal affairs bodies, the ways of their placement are considered. The task of this study is to determine the main issues that arise in the process of placing a government order for the needs of internal bodies. The aim of the study is elaboration of strategies on solution of challenges arising in the process of government procurement. Materials and Methods: in the process of scientific research, the sources of legislation, acting and regulating relations arising in government procurement for the needs of the internal affairs bodies, scientific works of modern scientific researchers in the considered branch of civil law are studied. The research methodology is based on science, objectivity and system principles. Dialectical, scientific-analytical and descriptive methods were used. Results: analysis of regulations, practical experience and research results allowed the determination of the main issues that arise in government procurement. Discussion and Conclusions: analysis of the challenges of government procurement for needs of internal affairs bodies led to the conclusion that it is necessary to omit total price deflation, allow state customers not only auctions but contestants and negotiations.
gosudarstvennyy zakaz, elektronnye torgi, tender, aukcion, firmy-odnodnevki, cena, gosudarstvennyy zakaz dlya nuzhd organov vnutrennih del, korrupciya
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