Introduction: the relevance of the problem of overcoming evil with the use of force is determined by the growing threat of evil in the specific manifestations peculiar to social realities of the XXI century. The situation is complicated by the deepening chasm between World and Spirit. Therefore, the search for optimal ways to solve problems was oriented by a subject-practical sphere of social activities. The original basis of modern interpretations of overcoming evil is to reveal the meaning of the priorities of controversy concerning the book of I.A. Ilyin, "About the resistance to evil by force" which included Russian immigrants of various ideological predilections. Materials and Methods: when working on the article analytical, comparative - historical, comparative methods of scientific research were used. Results: the study revealed the main spiritual and moral provisions of Ivan Ilyin, basing on which a discussion was initiated; various arguments of the participants based on their spiritual and moral criteria for assessing the use of force adequate source of threat in the fight against evil were analyzed. Spiritual and moral bases of the new paradigm of the struggle against evil through the necessity and duty of combating its manifestations by force proportional to the threat emanating from the evil, with an emphasis on overcoming evil in the inner world of man established by Ivan Ilyin. Discussion and Conclusions: there are objective factors of life and social activity of representatives of Russian emigration, determined the nature of the controversy and made it acute. The author puts Semantic accents of polemical speeches. It is noted that the soul of man, resisting evil, must constantly take care of the spiritual purification, as another righteous path that would replace the unjust ways of the force and the sword, does not exist.
zlo, soprotivlenie, emigrantskaya sreda, duhovnost', chelovek, gosudarstvo, zlo, soprotivlenie, emigrantskaya sreda, duhovnost', chelovek, gosudarstvo
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