Introduction: the article describes peculiarities of criminological characteristics of offender who commit a theft of monetary funds of citizens with the use of mobile communication. Materials and Methods: the author applied to the method of questionnaires, scientific and analytical and dialectical methods. Results: the special attention is paid to the study of the identity of the offender who commits fraud using mobile communication. The author studied materials of criminal cases and judicial-investigative practice on the crimes connected with taking money of citizens by the fraudulent way made with use of cellular phones in the territory of a number of subjects of the Volga Federal district, and also poll of practical employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of a number of subjects of the Russian Federation is carried out. Discussion and Conclusions: the author presents a collective image (criminological portrait) of the criminal, committing fraud with use of means of cellular communication.
moshennichestvo, sredstva mobil'noy svyazi, lichnost' prestupnika, kriminologicheskaya harakteristika
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