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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article presents certain aspects of personality research of juvenile offenders in the Ural Federal District taking into account the socio-economic and other indicators of the region. Materials and Methods: the research used general scientific and specific scientific methods of cognition: observation, analysis, synthesis, analogy, hypothetical, system-structural, comparative legal methods. The work based on the analysis of information on the status of juvenile crime in Russia and in the Ural Federal District. Results: the work presents the results of a research of the personality of juvenile offenders in the Ural Federal District. Despite the decline of common statistical indicators of juvenile crime in the Ural Federal District and in Russia in general, there is an increase in criminal activity and the public danger of persons aged 14-17 and minors under the age of criminal responsibility. Discussion and Conclusions: the author concludes about the need to develop a more differentiated approach to the organization of preventive work with juvenile offenders.

lichnost', nesovershennoletniy, prestupnost', tendenciya, kriminal'naya aktivnost', omolozhenie prestupnosti, regional'nye osobennosti
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